ASEAN to Global ASEAN to Global

Facilitating Assured 
Cross-Border M&A
in Emerging Markets.


AtoG Capital,  a groundbreaking fund that bridges
the governance gap  in emerging market companies.

With the growing demand for business succession and the increasing prevalence of M&A, there are expanding opportunities for cross-border M&A in the emerging ASEAN countries.
AtoG Capital is a completely new style of fund that aims to provide an environment where both ASEAN emerging countries and foreign companies can engage in cross-border M&A more actively and with lower risks.



Specialising in
mid-sized enterprises in Asia.

Through our local offices and network across the ASEAN five countries, which are part of the Nihon M&A Center Group, we meticulously select investment opportunities with significant growth potential.
By resolving succession issues and securing global partnerships, we invest in mid-sized Asian companies that possess the potential to thrive on a global scale. (AtoG Capital is a subsidiary of Nihon M&A Center Holdings.)


Transparency and governance
based on international standards.

In order to proceed with cross-border M&A with emerging countries, it is essential to overcome various gaps arising from differences in accounting standards, systems, regulations, business customs, and languages which due to diverse economic and cultural regions.
AtoG Capital focuses on enhancing transparency and governance of investment targets, aiming for a rapid value appreciation.


An exit strategy aimed
at M&A with non-ASEAN companies.

The goal of AtoG Capital is to foster connections between numerous ASEAN companies and non-ASEAN companies through cross-border M&A.
We endeavour to capitalise on growth opportunities and execute M&A transactions expeditiously, with a focus on achieving exits within a concise investment timeframe.


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Message from the CEO

Masahiko Otsuki ,CEO

Masahiko Otsuki ,CEO

Enabling mid-sized and small companies in emerging markets to further enhance their value.

To venture into new growth markets, cross-border M&A activities are increasingly vibrant. Among these markets, ASEAN holds a prominent position due to its growth potential, economic connectivity, and cultural affinity.

In recent years, there has been a gradual recognition among small and medium-sized business owners in ASEAN that M&A is an effective means for company sustainability and growth.

However, it is important to acknowledge the challenges associated with cross-border M&A involving emerging market companies. Understanding the variations in regulations, accounting standards, governance practices, and cultural norms across different countries, as well as conducting thorough due diligence that requires time and resources and making well-informed M&A decisions while considering risks, are by no means easy tasks.

AtoG Capital is dedicated to delivering the “best cross-border M&A” experience, enabling mid-sized and small companies in emerging markets to further enhance their value, while providing foreign acquiring companies with the confidence to take a firm step towards new growth opportunities.

Company Overview

Company Name.
AtoG Capital Inc.
1-8-2 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
December 7, 2023
50 million yen
Operating fund
AtoG Fund I
Board Member
CEO Masahiko Otsuki
COO Shinsuke Goto
Non-Exective Director Nobuo Nakata
Auditing Officer Kozo Kadono
Shusaku Minoda
Shareholder composition
Nihon M&A Center Holdings Inc.
Business description
Management and operation of bridge funds (Managing partner)
Notified Business Operator for Qualified Institutional Investors, etc.





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